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"Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16", "code": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16" }, { "name": "Index of Sheets - 2of23", "code": "Index of Sheets - 2of23" }, { "name": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16", "code": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16" }, { "name": "MainSt - 1", "code": "MainSt - 1" }, { "name": "MainSt - 10", "code": "MainSt - 10" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11", "code": "MainSt - 11" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11A", "code": "MainSt - 11A" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11B", "code": "MainSt - 11B" }, { "name": "MainSt - 12", "code": "MainSt - 12" }, { "name": "MainSt - 13", "code": "MainSt - 13" }, { "name": "MainSt - 14", "code": "MainSt - 14" }, { "name": "MainSt - 15", "code": "MainSt - 15" }, { "name": "MainSt - 2", "code": "MainSt - 2" }, { "name": "MainSt - 3", "code": "MainSt - 3" }, { "name": "MainSt - 4", "code": "MainSt - 4" }, { "name": "MainSt - 5", "code": "MainSt - 5" }, { "name": "MainSt - 6", "code": "MainSt - 6" }, { "name": "MainSt - 7", "code": "MainSt - 7" }, { "name": "MainSt - 8", "code": "MainSt - 8" }, { "name": "MainSt - 9", "code": "MainSt - 9" }, { "name": "MainSt - Access Road", "code": "MainSt - Access Road" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16" }, { "name": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16", "code": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16", "code": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16", "code": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16", "code": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16" }, { "name": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42", "code": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16" }, { "name": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16", "code": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16" }, { "name": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42", "code": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42" }, { "name": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16", "code": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23", "code": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42", "code": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 5of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 5of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 6of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 6of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 7of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 7of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 8of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 8of8" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 01of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 01of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 02of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 02of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 03of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 03of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 04of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 04of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 05of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 05of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 06of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 06of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of07", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of07" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of7" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 1of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 2of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 3of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 0of65CoverSheet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 0of65CoverSheet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 10of65_Stanbury and Woodbury Road", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 10of65_Stanbury and Woodbury Road" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 11of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 11of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 12of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 12of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 13of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 13of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 14of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 14of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 15of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 15of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 16of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 16of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 17of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 17of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 18of65_Woodlawn", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 18of65_Woodlawn" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 19of65_GreenAcresDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 19of65_GreenAcresDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 1of65_Index", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 1of65_Index" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 20of65_HuntMiddleSchool", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 20of65_HuntMiddleSchool" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 21of65_HuntMiddleSchool", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 21of65_HuntMiddleSchool" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 22of65_GosseCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 22of65_GosseCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 23of65_GosseCourt(West)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 23of65_GosseCourt(West)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 24of65_MarshallDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 24of65_MarshallDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 25of65_HeinebegrRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 25of65_HeinebegrRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 26of65_HeinebergRd and FarringtonPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 26of65_HeinebergRd and FarringtonPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 27of65_HeinebergandPoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 27of65_HeinebergandPoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 28of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 28of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 29of65_PoirierPlace", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 29of65_PoirierPlace" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 2of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 2of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 30of65_PoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 30of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 31of65_PoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 31of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 32of65_RoseadePkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 32of65_RoseadePkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 33of65_Roseade_Sandy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 33of65_Roseade_Sandy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 34of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 34of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 35of65_RoseadeandLopes", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 35of65_RoseadeandLopes" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 36of65_LopesAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 36of65_LopesAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 37of65_BlondinCircle and TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 37of65_BlondinCircle and TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 39of65_PleasantDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 39of65_PleasantDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 3of65_BikePathPlanandProfile", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 3of65_BikePathPlanandProfile" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 41of65_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 41of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 42of65_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 42of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 43of65-TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 43of65-TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 44of65-NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 44of65-NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 45of65_NorthAve(South)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 45of65_NorthAve(South)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 46of65_NorthAve(South)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 46of65_NorthAve(South)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 47of65_EdgemoreDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 47of65_EdgemoreDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 48of65_CrossPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 48of65_CrossPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 49of65_CayugaCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 49of65_CayugaCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 4of65_BikePath and StarrFarm", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 4of65_BikePath and StarrFarm" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 50of65_CayugaCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 50of65_CayugaCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 51of65_LoaldoDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 51of65_LoaldoDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 52of65_WestRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 52of65_WestRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 53of65_TallwoodLn", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 53of65_TallwoodLn" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 54of65_TallwoodandLakewood", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 54of65_TallwoodandLakewood" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 55of65_LakewoodPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 55of65_LakewoodPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 56of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 56of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 57of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 57of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 58of65_LeonardStreet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 58of65_LeonardStreet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 59of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 59of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 5of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 5of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 60of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 60of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 61of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 61of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 62of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 62of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 63of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 63of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 64of65_Details1 Specific Manhole Structures", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 64of65_Details1 Specific Manhole Structures" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 65of65_OutfallandManholeStructures", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 65of65_OutfallandManholeStructures" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 6of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 6of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 7of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 7of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 8of65_BikePath and StanifordRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 8of65_BikePath and StanifordRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 9of65_Staniford and Stanbury Road", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 9of65_Staniford and Stanbury Road" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 0of24_Cover", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 0of24_Cover" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 10of24_Strong", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 10of24_Strong" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 11of24_Strong_North_Canfield", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 11of24_Strong_North_Canfield" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 12of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 12of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 13of24_LakeviewTerr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 13of24_LakeviewTerr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 14of24_Lakeview(East)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 14of24_Lakeview(East)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 15of24_Blodgett_St", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 15of24_Blodgett_St" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 17of24_Manhattan", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 17of24_Manhattan" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 18of24_SpringSt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 18of24_SpringSt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 1of24", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 1of24" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 20of24_Archibald_Walnut", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 20of24_Archibald_Walnut" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 23of24_Riverside(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 23of24_Riverside(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 2of24_ManhattanDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 2of24_ManhattanDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 3of24_ParkStreet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 3of24_ParkStreet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 5of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 5of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 6of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 6of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 7of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 7of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 9of24_Pitkin_Strong", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 9of24_Pitkin_Strong" }, { "name": "C_2", "code": "C_2" }, { "name": "C_3", "code": "C_3" }, { "name": "C_4", "code": "C_4" }, { "name": "C_5", "code": "C_5" }, { "name": "C_8", "code": "C_8" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV2_1", "code": "LCV2_1" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV5_6", "code": "LCV5_6" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV2_1", "code": "LCV5_7" }, { "name": "UVM Master Plan", "code": "UVM Master Plan" }, { "name": "College and Battery Street Condos", "code": "College and Battery Street" }, { "name": "Lake and College St Site Plan", "code": "Lake and College Site Plan" }, { "name": "Colchester Ave 2009-2010_DrainageProject", "code": "Colchester Ave Storm Project" }, { "name": "Howard_Baird Center", "code": "Howard Center" }, { "name": "Southern Connector Pump Station (1988)", "code": "Southern Connector (1988)" }, { "name": "N:\\WaterResources\\GIS&Mapping\\Project As-Builts\\1985 South Meadow", "code": "1985 South Meadow" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "GPSDATE", "type": "esriFieldTypeDate", "alias": "GPS Date", "length": 8, "domain": null }, { "name": "GPSSTATUS", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "GPS Status", "length": 50, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "LocationStatusGPS", "description": "Location Status GPS", "codedValues": [ { "name": "Ortho Verified", "code": "Ortho Verified" }, { "name": "Could Not Locate", "code": "CNL" }, { "name": "Could Not Access", "code": "CNA" }, { "name": "Original - As Received", "code": "Original" }, { "name": "GPS Updated - Mapping Grade Accuracy", "code": "GPS Updated" }, { "name": "GPS New - Mapping Grade Accuracy", "code": "GPS New" }, { "name": "Digitized Update - Manual / Insufficient GPS signal", "code": "DIGI" }, { "name": "Digitized New - Manual / Insufficient GPS signal", "code": "DIGI New" }, { "name": "RTK GPS Updated - High Accuracy", "code": "RTK GPS Updated" }, { "name": "RTK GPS New - High Accuracy", "code": "RTK GPS New" }, { "name": "RTK Float Updated - Mapping Grade Accuracy", "code": "RTK Float Updated" }, { "name": "RTK Float New - Mapping Grade Accuracy", "code": "RTK Float New" } 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"0of65CoverSheet_zoom" }, { "name": "10of24_Strong", "code": "10of24_Strong" }, { "name": "10of65_StanburyRd_WoodburyRd", "code": "10of65_StanburyRd_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "11of24_Strong_North_Canfield", "code": "11of24_Strong_North_Canfield" }, { "name": "11of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "11of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "12of24_NorthAve", "code": "12of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "12of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "12of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "13of24_LakeviewTerr", "code": "13of24_LakeviewTerr" }, { "name": "13of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "13of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "14of24_Lakeview(East)", "code": "14of24_Lakeview(East)" }, { "name": "14of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "14of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "15of24_Blodgett_St", "code": "15of24_Blodgett_St" }, { "name": "15of65_NorthAve_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "15of65_NorthAve_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan", "code": "16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan" }, { "name": "16of65_NorthAve", "code": "16of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "17of24_Manhattan", "code": "17of24_Manhattan" }, { "name": "17of65_NorthAve", "code": "17of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "18of24_SpringSt", "code": "18of24_SpringSt" }, { "name": "18of65_WoodlawnRd", "code": "18of65_WoodlawnRd" }, { "name": "19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve", "code": "19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve" }, { "name": "19of65_GreenAcresDr_Woodlawn", "code": "19of65_GreenAcresDr_Woodlawn" }, { "name": "1of24_Index", "code": "1of24_Index" }, { "name": "1of65_Index", "code": "1of65_Index" }, { "name": "20of24_Archibald_Walnut", "code": "20of24_Archibald_Walnut" }, { "name": "20of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "20of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure", "code": "21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure" }, { "name": "21of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "21of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)", "code": "22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)" }, { "name": "22of65_GosseCt", "code": "22of65_GosseCt" }, { "name": "23of24_Riverside(NIC)", "code": "23of24_Riverside(NIC)" }, { "name": "23of65_GosseCt(West)", "code": "23of65_GosseCt(West)" }, { "name": "24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)", "code": "24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)" }, { "name": "24of65_MarshallDr", "code": "24of65_MarshallDr" }, { "name": "25of65_HeinebergRd", "code": "25of65_HeinebergRd" }, { "name": "26of65_Heineberg&FarringtonPkway", "code": "26of65_Heineberg&FarringtonPkway" }, { "name": "27of65_HeinebergRd&PoirierPl", "code": "27of65_HeinebergRd&PoirierPl" }, { "name": "28of65_NorthAve", "code": "28of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "29of65_PoirierPl", "code": "29of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "2of24_ManhattanDr", "code": "2of24_ManhattanDr" }, { "name": "2of65_BikePath", "code": "2of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "30of65_PoirierPl_Easement", "code": "30of65_PoirierPl_Easement" }, { "name": "31of65_PoirierPl", "code": "31of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "32of65_EasementtoRoseadePkway", "code": "32of65_EasementtoRoseadePkway" }, { "name": "33of65_Roseade_Sandy", "code": "33of65_Roseade_Sandy" }, { "name": "34of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "34of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "35of65_Roseade_Lopes", "code": "35of65_Roseade_Lopes" }, { "name": "36of65_LopesAve", "code": "36of65_LopesAve" }, { "name": "37of65_BlondinCirc_TracyDr", "code": "37of65_BlondinCirc_TracyDr" }, { "name": "38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve", "code": "38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve" }, { "name": "39of65_PleasantAve", "code": "39of65_PleasantAve" }, { "name": "3of24_ParkStreet", "code": "3of24_ParkStreet" }, { "name": "3of65_BikePath", "code": "3of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr", "code": "40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr" }, { "name": "41of65_TracyDr", "code": "41of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "42of65_TracyDr", "code": "42of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "43of65_TracyDr", "code": "43of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "44of65_NorthAvenearPlattsburgh", "code": "44of65_NorthAvenearPlattsburgh" }, { "name": "45of65_NorthAve_near_FairmontTerr", "code": "45of65_NorthAve_near_FairmontTerr" }, { "name": "46of65_NorthAve_near_CayugaCt", "code": "46of65_NorthAve_near_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "47of65_EdgemoreDr_near_NorthAve", "code": "47of65_EdgemoreDr_near_NorthAve" }, { "name": "48of65_CrossPkwy_EdgemoreDr", "code": "48of65_CrossPkwy_EdgemoreDr" }, { "name": "49of65_CayugaCt", "code": "49of65_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve", "code": "4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve" }, { "name": "4of65_BikePath_StarrFarm_BikePath", "code": "4of65_BikePath_StarrFarm_BikePath" }, { "name": "50of65_CayugaCt", "code": "50of65_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "51of65_LoalooDr", "code": "51of65_LoalooDr" }, { "name": "52of65_WestRoad", "code": "52of65_WestRoad" }, { "name": "53of65_Outfall_Tallwood", "code": "53of65_Outfall_Tallwood" }, { "name": "54of65_Tallwood_Lakewood_Pkwy", "code": "54of65_Tallwood_Lakewood_Pkwy" }, { "name": "55of65_LakewoodPkwy_Easement_NorthAve", "code": "55of65_LakewoodPkwy_Easement_NorthAve" }, { "name": "56of65_NorthAve_near_Leonard", "code": "56of65_NorthAve_near_Leonard" }, { "name": "57of65_NorthAve (NOT DONE NOTE)", "code": "57of65_NorthAve (NOT DONE NOTE)" }, { "name": "58of65_LeonardStreet", "code": "58of65_LeonardStreet" }, { "name": "59of65_NorthAve", "code": "59of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "5of24_NorthAve", "code": "5of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "5of65_BikePath", "code": "5of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "60of65_NorthAve_near_EthanAllenPkwy&VillageGreenDr", "code": "60of65_NorthAve_near_EthanAllenPkwy&VillageGreenDr" }, { "name": "61of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "61of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "62of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "62of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "63of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "63of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "64of65_DetailsI_SpecialMHStructures", "code": "64of65_DetailsI_SpecialMHStructures" }, { "name": "6of24_NorthAve", "code": "6of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "6of65_BkePath", "code": "6of65_BkePath" }, { "name": "7of24_NorthAve", "code": "7of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "7of65_BikePath", "code": "7of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street", "code": "8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street" }, { "name": "8of65_BikePath_StanifordRd", "code": "8of65_BikePath_StanifordRd" }, { "name": "9of24_Pitkin_Strong", "code": "9of24_Pitkin_Strong" }, { "name": "9of65_StanifordRd_StandburyRd", "code": "9of65_StanifordRd_StandburyRd" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 10of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 10of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 11of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 11of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 12of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 12of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 13of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 13of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 14of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 14of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 15of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 15of42" }, { "name": "Beltline - 18of216", "code": "Beltline - 18of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 23of216", "code": "Beltline - 23of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 26of216", "code": "Beltline - 26of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 29of216", "code": "Beltline - 29of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 32of216", "code": "Beltline - 32of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 36of216", "code": "Beltline - 36of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Cover Page - 1of216", "code": "Beltline-Cover Page - 1of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Match Sheet-Right - 20of216", "code": "Beltline-Match Sheet-Right - 20of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Typicals, Water, Sewer, Hydrant Adjustments and locations - 5of216", "code": "Beltline-Typicals, Water, Sewer, Hydrant Adjustments and locations - 5of216" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Cover Sheet - 1of15", "code": "Bikepath-Cover Sheet - 1of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 10of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 10of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 5of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 5of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 6of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 6of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 7of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 7of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 8of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 8of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 9of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 9of15" }, { "name": "Buell and Green St Plan and Profile - 6of16", "code": "Buell and Green St Plan and Profile - 6of16" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "College Street Plan and Profile - 1of16", "code": "College Street Plan and Profile - 1of16" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 0of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 0of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 1of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 1of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 2of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 2of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 3of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 3of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 4of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 4of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 5of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 5of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 6of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 6of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 7of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Details Manhole, Catch Basin, Water Service - 12of16", "code": "Details Manhole, Catch Basin, Water Service - 12of16" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 1of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 1of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 2of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 2of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 3of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 3of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 4of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 4of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Cover", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Cover" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16", "code": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16" }, { "name": "Index of Sheets - 2of23", "code": "Index of Sheets - 2of23" }, { "name": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16", "code": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16" }, { "name": "MainSt - 1", "code": "MainSt - 1" }, { "name": "MainSt - 10", "code": "MainSt - 10" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11", "code": "MainSt - 11" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11A", "code": "MainSt - 11A" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11B", "code": "MainSt - 11B" }, { "name": "MainSt - 12", "code": "MainSt - 12" }, { "name": "MainSt - 13", "code": "MainSt - 13" }, { "name": "MainSt - 14", "code": "MainSt - 14" }, { "name": "MainSt - 15", "code": "MainSt - 15" }, { "name": "MainSt - 2", "code": "MainSt - 2" }, { "name": "MainSt - 3", "code": "MainSt - 3" }, { "name": "MainSt - 4", "code": "MainSt - 4" }, { "name": "MainSt - 5", "code": "MainSt - 5" }, { "name": "MainSt - 6", "code": "MainSt - 6" }, { "name": "MainSt - 7", "code": "MainSt - 7" }, { "name": "MainSt - 8", "code": "MainSt - 8" }, { "name": "MainSt - 9", "code": "MainSt - 9" }, { "name": "MainSt - Access Road", "code": "MainSt - Access Road" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16" }, { "name": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16", "code": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16", "code": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16", "code": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16", "code": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16" }, { "name": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42", "code": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16" }, { "name": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16", "code": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16" }, { "name": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42", "code": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42" }, { "name": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16", "code": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23", "code": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42", "code": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 5of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 5of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 6of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 6of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 7of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 7of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 8of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 8of8" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 01of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 01of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 02of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 02of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 03of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 03of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 04of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 04of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 05of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 05of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 06of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 06of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of07", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of07" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of7" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 1of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 2of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 3of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 0of65CoverSheet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 0of65CoverSheet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 10of65_Stanbury and Woodbury Road", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 10of65_Stanbury and Woodbury Road" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 11of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 11of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 12of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 12of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 13of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 13of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 14of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 14of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 15of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 15of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 16of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 16of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 17of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 17of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 18of65_Woodlawn", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 18of65_Woodlawn" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 19of65_GreenAcresDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 19of65_GreenAcresDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 1of65_Index", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 1of65_Index" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 20of65_HuntMiddleSchool", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 20of65_HuntMiddleSchool" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 21of65_HuntMiddleSchool", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 21of65_HuntMiddleSchool" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 22of65_GosseCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 22of65_GosseCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 23of65_GosseCourt(West)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 23of65_GosseCourt(West)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 24of65_MarshallDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 24of65_MarshallDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 25of65_HeinebegrRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 25of65_HeinebegrRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 26of65_HeinebergRd and FarringtonPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 26of65_HeinebergRd and FarringtonPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 27of65_HeinebergandPoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 27of65_HeinebergandPoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 28of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 28of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 29of65_PoirierPlace", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 29of65_PoirierPlace" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 2of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 2of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 30of65_PoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 30of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 31of65_PoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 31of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 32of65_RoseadePkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 32of65_RoseadePkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 33of65_Roseade_Sandy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 33of65_Roseade_Sandy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 34of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 34of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 35of65_RoseadeandLopes", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 35of65_RoseadeandLopes" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 36of65_LopesAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 36of65_LopesAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 37of65_BlondinCircle and TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 37of65_BlondinCircle and TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 39of65_PleasantDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 39of65_PleasantDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 3of65_BikePathPlanandProfile", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 3of65_BikePathPlanandProfile" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 41of65_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 41of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 42of65_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 42of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 43of65-TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 43of65-TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 44of65-NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 44of65-NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 45of65_NorthAve(South)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 45of65_NorthAve(South)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 46of65_NorthAve(South)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 46of65_NorthAve(South)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 47of65_EdgemoreDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 47of65_EdgemoreDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 48of65_CrossPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 48of65_CrossPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 49of65_CayugaCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 49of65_CayugaCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 4of65_BikePath and StarrFarm", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 4of65_BikePath and StarrFarm" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 50of65_CayugaCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 50of65_CayugaCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 51of65_LoaldoDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 51of65_LoaldoDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 52of65_WestRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 52of65_WestRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 53of65_TallwoodLn", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 53of65_TallwoodLn" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 54of65_TallwoodandLakewood", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 54of65_TallwoodandLakewood" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 55of65_LakewoodPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 55of65_LakewoodPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 56of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 56of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 57of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 57of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 58of65_LeonardStreet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 58of65_LeonardStreet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 59of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 59of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 5of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 5of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 60of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 60of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 61of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 61of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 62of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 62of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 63of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 63of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 64of65_Details1 Specific Manhole Structures", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 64of65_Details1 Specific Manhole Structures" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 65of65_OutfallandManholeStructures", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 65of65_OutfallandManholeStructures" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 6of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 6of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 7of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 7of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 8of65_BikePath and StanifordRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 8of65_BikePath and StanifordRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 9of65_Staniford and Stanbury Road", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 9of65_Staniford and Stanbury Road" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 0of24_Cover", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 0of24_Cover" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 10of24_Strong", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 10of24_Strong" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 11of24_Strong_North_Canfield", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 11of24_Strong_North_Canfield" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 12of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 12of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 13of24_LakeviewTerr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 13of24_LakeviewTerr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 14of24_Lakeview(East)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 14of24_Lakeview(East)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 15of24_Blodgett_St", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 15of24_Blodgett_St" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 17of24_Manhattan", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 17of24_Manhattan" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 18of24_SpringSt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 18of24_SpringSt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 1of24", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 1of24" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 20of24_Archibald_Walnut", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 20of24_Archibald_Walnut" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 23of24_Riverside(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 23of24_Riverside(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 2of24_ManhattanDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 2of24_ManhattanDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 3of24_ParkStreet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 3of24_ParkStreet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 5of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 5of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 6of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 6of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 7of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 7of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 9of24_Pitkin_Strong", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 9of24_Pitkin_Strong" }, { "name": "C_2", "code": "C_2" }, { "name": "C_3", "code": "C_3" }, { "name": "C_4", "code": "C_4" }, { "name": "C_5", "code": "C_5" }, { "name": "C_8", "code": "C_8" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV2_1", "code": "LCV2_1" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV5_6", "code": "LCV5_6" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV2_1", "code": "LCV5_7" }, { "name": "UVM Master Plan", "code": "UVM Master Plan" }, { "name": "College and Battery Street Condos", "code": "College and Battery Street" }, { "name": "Lake and College St Site Plan", "code": "Lake and College Site Plan" }, { "name": "Colchester Ave 2009-2010_DrainageProject", "code": "Colchester Ave Storm Project" }, { "name": "Howard_Baird Center", "code": "Howard Center" }, { "name": "Southern Connector Pump Station (1988)", "code": "Southern Connector (1988)" }, { "name": "N:\\WaterResources\\GIS&Mapping\\Project As-Builts\\1985 South Meadow", "code": "1985 South Meadow" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "PLANREFID3", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Plan Reference Identifier", "length": 255, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "PlanReferenceIdentifier", "description": "Plan Reference List", "codedValues": [ { "name": "0of24_Cover", "code": "0of24_Cover" }, { "name": "0of65CoverSheet", "code": "0of65CoverSheet" }, { "name": "0of65CoverSheet_zoom", "code": "0of65CoverSheet_zoom" }, { "name": "10of24_Strong", "code": "10of24_Strong" }, { "name": "10of65_StanburyRd_WoodburyRd", "code": "10of65_StanburyRd_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "11of24_Strong_North_Canfield", "code": "11of24_Strong_North_Canfield" }, { "name": "11of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "11of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "12of24_NorthAve", "code": "12of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "12of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "12of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "13of24_LakeviewTerr", "code": "13of24_LakeviewTerr" }, { "name": "13of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "13of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "14of24_Lakeview(East)", "code": "14of24_Lakeview(East)" }, { "name": "14of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "14of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "15of24_Blodgett_St", "code": "15of24_Blodgett_St" }, { "name": "15of65_NorthAve_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "15of65_NorthAve_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan", "code": "16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan" }, { "name": "16of65_NorthAve", "code": "16of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "17of24_Manhattan", "code": "17of24_Manhattan" }, { "name": "17of65_NorthAve", "code": "17of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "18of24_SpringSt", "code": "18of24_SpringSt" }, { "name": "18of65_WoodlawnRd", "code": "18of65_WoodlawnRd" }, { "name": "19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve", "code": "19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve" }, { "name": "19of65_GreenAcresDr_Woodlawn", "code": "19of65_GreenAcresDr_Woodlawn" }, { "name": "1of24_Index", "code": "1of24_Index" }, { "name": "1of65_Index", "code": "1of65_Index" }, { "name": "20of24_Archibald_Walnut", "code": "20of24_Archibald_Walnut" }, { "name": "20of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "20of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure", "code": "21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure" }, { "name": "21of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "21of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)", "code": "22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)" }, { "name": "22of65_GosseCt", "code": "22of65_GosseCt" }, { "name": "23of24_Riverside(NIC)", "code": "23of24_Riverside(NIC)" }, { "name": "23of65_GosseCt(West)", "code": "23of65_GosseCt(West)" }, { "name": "24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)", "code": "24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)" }, { "name": "24of65_MarshallDr", "code": "24of65_MarshallDr" }, { "name": "25of65_HeinebergRd", "code": "25of65_HeinebergRd" }, { "name": "26of65_Heineberg&FarringtonPkway", "code": "26of65_Heineberg&FarringtonPkway" }, { "name": "27of65_HeinebergRd&PoirierPl", "code": "27of65_HeinebergRd&PoirierPl" }, { "name": "28of65_NorthAve", "code": "28of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "29of65_PoirierPl", "code": "29of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "2of24_ManhattanDr", "code": "2of24_ManhattanDr" }, { "name": "2of65_BikePath", "code": "2of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "30of65_PoirierPl_Easement", "code": "30of65_PoirierPl_Easement" }, { "name": "31of65_PoirierPl", "code": "31of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "32of65_EasementtoRoseadePkway", "code": "32of65_EasementtoRoseadePkway" }, { "name": "33of65_Roseade_Sandy", "code": "33of65_Roseade_Sandy" }, { "name": "34of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "34of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "35of65_Roseade_Lopes", "code": "35of65_Roseade_Lopes" }, { "name": "36of65_LopesAve", "code": "36of65_LopesAve" }, { "name": "37of65_BlondinCirc_TracyDr", "code": "37of65_BlondinCirc_TracyDr" }, { "name": "38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve", "code": "38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve" }, { "name": "39of65_PleasantAve", "code": "39of65_PleasantAve" }, { "name": "3of24_ParkStreet", "code": "3of24_ParkStreet" }, { "name": "3of65_BikePath", "code": "3of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr", "code": "40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr" }, { "name": "41of65_TracyDr", "code": "41of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "42of65_TracyDr", "code": "42of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "43of65_TracyDr", "code": "43of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "44of65_NorthAvenearPlattsburgh", "code": "44of65_NorthAvenearPlattsburgh" }, { "name": "45of65_NorthAve_near_FairmontTerr", "code": "45of65_NorthAve_near_FairmontTerr" }, { "name": "46of65_NorthAve_near_CayugaCt", "code": "46of65_NorthAve_near_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "47of65_EdgemoreDr_near_NorthAve", "code": "47of65_EdgemoreDr_near_NorthAve" }, { "name": "48of65_CrossPkwy_EdgemoreDr", "code": "48of65_CrossPkwy_EdgemoreDr" }, { "name": "49of65_CayugaCt", "code": "49of65_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve", "code": "4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve" }, { "name": "4of65_BikePath_StarrFarm_BikePath", "code": "4of65_BikePath_StarrFarm_BikePath" }, { "name": "50of65_CayugaCt", "code": "50of65_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "51of65_LoalooDr", "code": "51of65_LoalooDr" }, { "name": "52of65_WestRoad", "code": "52of65_WestRoad" }, { "name": "53of65_Outfall_Tallwood", "code": "53of65_Outfall_Tallwood" }, { "name": "54of65_Tallwood_Lakewood_Pkwy", "code": "54of65_Tallwood_Lakewood_Pkwy" }, { "name": "55of65_LakewoodPkwy_Easement_NorthAve", "code": "55of65_LakewoodPkwy_Easement_NorthAve" }, { "name": "56of65_NorthAve_near_Leonard", "code": "56of65_NorthAve_near_Leonard" }, { "name": "57of65_NorthAve (NOT DONE NOTE)", "code": "57of65_NorthAve (NOT DONE NOTE)" }, { "name": "58of65_LeonardStreet", "code": "58of65_LeonardStreet" }, { "name": "59of65_NorthAve", "code": "59of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "5of24_NorthAve", "code": "5of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "5of65_BikePath", "code": "5of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "60of65_NorthAve_near_EthanAllenPkwy&VillageGreenDr", "code": "60of65_NorthAve_near_EthanAllenPkwy&VillageGreenDr" }, { "name": "61of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "61of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "62of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "62of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "63of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "63of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "64of65_DetailsI_SpecialMHStructures", "code": "64of65_DetailsI_SpecialMHStructures" }, { "name": "6of24_NorthAve", "code": "6of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "6of65_BkePath", "code": "6of65_BkePath" }, { "name": "7of24_NorthAve", "code": "7of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "7of65_BikePath", "code": "7of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street", "code": "8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street" }, { "name": "8of65_BikePath_StanifordRd", "code": "8of65_BikePath_StanifordRd" }, { "name": "9of24_Pitkin_Strong", "code": "9of24_Pitkin_Strong" }, { "name": "9of65_StanifordRd_StandburyRd", "code": "9of65_StanifordRd_StandburyRd" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 10of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 10of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 11of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 11of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 12of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 12of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 13of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 13of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 14of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 14of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 15of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 15of42" }, { "name": "Beltline - 18of216", "code": "Beltline - 18of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 23of216", "code": "Beltline - 23of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 26of216", "code": "Beltline - 26of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 29of216", "code": "Beltline - 29of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 32of216", "code": "Beltline - 32of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 36of216", "code": "Beltline - 36of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Cover Page - 1of216", "code": "Beltline-Cover Page - 1of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Match Sheet-Right - 20of216", "code": "Beltline-Match Sheet-Right - 20of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Typicals, Water, Sewer, Hydrant Adjustments and locations - 5of216", "code": "Beltline-Typicals, Water, Sewer, Hydrant Adjustments and locations - 5of216" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Cover Sheet - 1of15", "code": "Bikepath-Cover Sheet - 1of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 10of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 10of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 5of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 5of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 6of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 6of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 7of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 7of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 8of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 8of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 9of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 9of15" }, { "name": "Buell and Green St Plan and Profile - 6of16", "code": "Buell and Green St Plan and Profile - 6of16" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "College Street Plan and Profile - 1of16", "code": "College Street Plan and Profile - 1of16" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 0of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 0of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 1of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 1of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 2of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 2of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 3of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 3of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 4of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 4of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 5of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 5of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 6of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 6of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 7of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Details Manhole, Catch Basin, Water Service - 12of16", "code": "Details Manhole, Catch Basin, Water Service - 12of16" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 1of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 1of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 2of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 2of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 3of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 3of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 4of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 4of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Cover", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Cover" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16", "code": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16" }, { "name": "Index of Sheets - 2of23", "code": "Index of Sheets - 2of23" }, { "name": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16", "code": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16" }, { "name": "MainSt - 1", "code": "MainSt - 1" }, { "name": "MainSt - 10", "code": "MainSt - 10" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11", "code": "MainSt - 11" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11A", "code": "MainSt - 11A" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11B", "code": "MainSt - 11B" }, { "name": "MainSt - 12", "code": "MainSt - 12" }, { "name": "MainSt - 13", "code": "MainSt - 13" }, { "name": "MainSt - 14", "code": "MainSt - 14" }, { "name": "MainSt - 15", "code": "MainSt - 15" }, { "name": "MainSt - 2", "code": "MainSt - 2" }, { "name": "MainSt - 3", "code": "MainSt - 3" }, { "name": "MainSt - 4", "code": "MainSt - 4" }, { "name": "MainSt - 5", "code": "MainSt - 5" }, { "name": "MainSt - 6", "code": "MainSt - 6" }, { "name": "MainSt - 7", "code": "MainSt - 7" }, { "name": "MainSt - 8", "code": "MainSt - 8" }, { "name": "MainSt - 9", "code": "MainSt - 9" }, { "name": "MainSt - Access Road", "code": "MainSt - Access Road" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16" }, { "name": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16", "code": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16", "code": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16", "code": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16", "code": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16" }, { "name": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42", "code": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16" }, { "name": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16", "code": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16" }, { "name": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42", "code": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42" }, { "name": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16", "code": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23", "code": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42", "code": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 5of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 5of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 6of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 6of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 7of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 7of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 8of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 8of8" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 01of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 01of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 02of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 02of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 03of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 03of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 04of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 04of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 05of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 05of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 06of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 06of7" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of07", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of07" }, { "name": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of7", "code": "Record Drawings of Pine St Sewers and Drains - 07of7" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 1of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 2of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 3of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 0of65CoverSheet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 0of65CoverSheet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 10of65_Stanbury and Woodbury Road", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 10of65_Stanbury and Woodbury Road" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 11of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 11of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 12of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 12of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 13of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 13of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 14of65_Woodbury Rd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 14of65_Woodbury Rd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 15of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 15of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 16of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 16of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 17of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 17of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 18of65_Woodlawn", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 18of65_Woodlawn" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 19of65_GreenAcresDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 19of65_GreenAcresDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 1of65_Index", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 1of65_Index" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 20of65_HuntMiddleSchool", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 20of65_HuntMiddleSchool" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 21of65_HuntMiddleSchool", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 21of65_HuntMiddleSchool" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 22of65_GosseCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 22of65_GosseCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 23of65_GosseCourt(West)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 23of65_GosseCourt(West)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 24of65_MarshallDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 24of65_MarshallDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 25of65_HeinebegrRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 25of65_HeinebegrRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 26of65_HeinebergRd and FarringtonPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 26of65_HeinebergRd and FarringtonPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 27of65_HeinebergandPoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 27of65_HeinebergandPoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 28of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 28of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 29of65_PoirierPlace", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 29of65_PoirierPlace" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 2of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 2of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 30of65_PoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 30of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 31of65_PoirierPl", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 31of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 32of65_RoseadePkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 32of65_RoseadePkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 33of65_Roseade_Sandy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 33of65_Roseade_Sandy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 34of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 34of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 35of65_RoseadeandLopes", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 35of65_RoseadeandLopes" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 36of65_LopesAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 36of65_LopesAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 37of65_BlondinCircle and TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 37of65_BlondinCircle and TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 39of65_PleasantDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 39of65_PleasantDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 3of65_BikePathPlanandProfile", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 3of65_BikePathPlanandProfile" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 41of65_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 41of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 42of65_TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 42of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 43of65-TracyDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 43of65-TracyDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 44of65-NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 44of65-NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 45of65_NorthAve(South)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 45of65_NorthAve(South)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 46of65_NorthAve(South)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 46of65_NorthAve(South)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 47of65_EdgemoreDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 47of65_EdgemoreDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 48of65_CrossPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 48of65_CrossPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 49of65_CayugaCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 49of65_CayugaCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 4of65_BikePath and StarrFarm", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 4of65_BikePath and StarrFarm" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 50of65_CayugaCourt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 50of65_CayugaCourt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 51of65_LoaldoDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 51of65_LoaldoDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 52of65_WestRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 52of65_WestRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 53of65_TallwoodLn", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 53of65_TallwoodLn" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 54of65_TallwoodandLakewood", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 54of65_TallwoodandLakewood" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 55of65_LakewoodPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 55of65_LakewoodPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 56of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 56of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 57of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 57of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 58of65_LeonardStreet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 58of65_LeonardStreet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 59of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 59of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 5of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 5of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 60of65_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 60of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 61of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 61of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 62of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 62of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 63of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 63of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 64of65_Details1 Specific Manhole Structures", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 64of65_Details1 Specific Manhole Structures" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 65of65_OutfallandManholeStructures", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 65of65_OutfallandManholeStructures" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 6of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 6of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 7of65_BikePath", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 7of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 8of65_BikePath and StanifordRd", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 8of65_BikePath and StanifordRd" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 9of65_Staniford and Stanbury Road", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1 Contract 1 - 9of65_Staniford and Stanbury Road" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 0of24_Cover", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 0of24_Cover" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 10of24_Strong", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 10of24_Strong" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 11of24_Strong_North_Canfield", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 11of24_Strong_North_Canfield" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 12of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 12of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 13of24_LakeviewTerr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 13of24_LakeviewTerr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 14of24_Lakeview(East)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 14of24_Lakeview(East)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 15of24_Blodgett_St", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 15of24_Blodgett_St" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 17of24_Manhattan", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 17of24_Manhattan" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 18of24_SpringSt", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 18of24_SpringSt" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 1of24", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 1of24" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 20of24_Archibald_Walnut", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 20of24_Archibald_Walnut" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 23of24_Riverside(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 23of24_Riverside(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 2of24_ManhattanDr", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 2of24_ManhattanDr" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 3of24_ParkStreet", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 3of24_ParkStreet" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 5of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 5of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 6of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 6of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 7of24_NorthAve", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 7of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 9of24_Pitkin_Strong", "code": "Sewer Separation Phase1_Contract2 - 9of24_Pitkin_Strong" }, { "name": "C_2", "code": "C_2" }, { "name": "C_3", "code": "C_3" }, { "name": "C_4", "code": "C_4" }, { "name": "C_5", "code": "C_5" }, { "name": "C_8", "code": "C_8" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV2_1", "code": "LCV2_1" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV5_6", "code": "LCV5_6" }, { "name": "Waterfront Housing_LCV2_1", "code": "LCV5_7" }, { "name": "UVM Master Plan", "code": "UVM Master Plan" }, { "name": "College and Battery Street Condos", "code": "College and Battery Street" }, { "name": "Lake and College St Site Plan", "code": "Lake and College Site Plan" }, { "name": "Colchester Ave 2009-2010_DrainageProject", "code": "Colchester Ave Storm Project" }, { "name": "Howard_Baird Center", "code": "Howard Center" }, { "name": "Southern Connector Pump Station (1988)", "code": "Southern Connector (1988)" }, { "name": "N:\\WaterResources\\GIS&Mapping\\Project As-Builts\\1985 South Meadow", "code": "1985 South Meadow" } ], "mergePolicy": "esriMPTDefaultValue", "splitPolicy": "esriSPTDefaultValue" } }, { "name": "PLANREFID4", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Plan Reference Identifier", "length": 255, "domain": { "type": "codedValue", "name": "PlanReferenceIdentifier", "description": "Plan Reference List", "codedValues": [ { "name": "0of24_Cover", "code": "0of24_Cover" }, { "name": "0of65CoverSheet", "code": "0of65CoverSheet" }, { "name": "0of65CoverSheet_zoom", "code": "0of65CoverSheet_zoom" }, { "name": "10of24_Strong", "code": "10of24_Strong" }, { "name": "10of65_StanburyRd_WoodburyRd", "code": "10of65_StanburyRd_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "11of24_Strong_North_Canfield", "code": "11of24_Strong_North_Canfield" }, { "name": "11of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "11of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "12of24_NorthAve", "code": "12of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "12of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "12of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "13of24_LakeviewTerr", "code": "13of24_LakeviewTerr" }, { "name": "13of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "13of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "14of24_Lakeview(East)", "code": "14of24_Lakeview(East)" }, { "name": "14of65_WoodburyRd", "code": "14of65_WoodburyRd" }, { "name": "15of24_Blodgett_St", "code": "15of24_Blodgett_St" }, { "name": "15of65_NorthAve_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "15of65_NorthAve_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan", "code": "16of24_Easement_to_Manhattan" }, { "name": "16of65_NorthAve", "code": "16of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "17of24_Manhattan", "code": "17of24_Manhattan" }, { "name": "17of65_NorthAve", "code": "17of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "18of24_SpringSt", "code": "18of24_SpringSt" }, { "name": "18of65_WoodlawnRd", "code": "18of65_WoodlawnRd" }, { "name": "19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve", "code": "19of24_SpringSt_IntervaleAve" }, { "name": "19of65_GreenAcresDr_Woodlawn", "code": "19of65_GreenAcresDr_Woodlawn" }, { "name": "1of24_Index", "code": "1of24_Index" }, { "name": "1of65_Index", "code": "1of65_Index" }, { "name": "20of24_Archibald_Walnut", "code": "20of24_Archibald_Walnut" }, { "name": "20of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "20of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure", "code": "21of24_Walnut_Outlet_Structure" }, { "name": "21of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway", "code": "21of65_HuntMiddleSchoolDriveway" }, { "name": "22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)", "code": "22of24_Easement_to_IntervaleRd(NIC)" }, { "name": "22of65_GosseCt", "code": "22of65_GosseCt" }, { "name": "23of24_Riverside(NIC)", "code": "23of24_Riverside(NIC)" }, { "name": "23of65_GosseCt(West)", "code": "23of65_GosseCt(West)" }, { "name": "24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)", "code": "24of24_Intervale_Oak(NIC)" }, { "name": "24of65_MarshallDr", "code": "24of65_MarshallDr" }, { "name": "25of65_HeinebergRd", "code": "25of65_HeinebergRd" }, { "name": "26of65_Heineberg&FarringtonPkway", "code": "26of65_Heineberg&FarringtonPkway" }, { "name": "27of65_HeinebergRd&PoirierPl", "code": "27of65_HeinebergRd&PoirierPl" }, { "name": "28of65_NorthAve", "code": "28of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "29of65_PoirierPl", "code": "29of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "2of24_ManhattanDr", "code": "2of24_ManhattanDr" }, { "name": "2of65_BikePath", "code": "2of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "30of65_PoirierPl_Easement", "code": "30of65_PoirierPl_Easement" }, { "name": "31of65_PoirierPl", "code": "31of65_PoirierPl" }, { "name": "32of65_EasementtoRoseadePkway", "code": "32of65_EasementtoRoseadePkway" }, { "name": "33of65_Roseade_Sandy", "code": "33of65_Roseade_Sandy" }, { "name": "34of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "34of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "35of65_Roseade_Lopes", "code": "35of65_Roseade_Lopes" }, { "name": "36of65_LopesAve", "code": "36of65_LopesAve" }, { "name": "37of65_BlondinCirc_TracyDr", "code": "37of65_BlondinCirc_TracyDr" }, { "name": "38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve", "code": "38of65_EastmenttoPleasantAve" }, { "name": "39of65_PleasantAve", "code": "39of65_PleasantAve" }, { "name": "3of24_ParkStreet", "code": "3of24_ParkStreet" }, { "name": "3of65_BikePath", "code": "3of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr", "code": "40of65_Pleasant_Easement_TracyDr" }, { "name": "41of65_TracyDr", "code": "41of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "42of65_TracyDr", "code": "42of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "43of65_TracyDr", "code": "43of65_TracyDr" }, { "name": "44of65_NorthAvenearPlattsburgh", "code": "44of65_NorthAvenearPlattsburgh" }, { "name": "45of65_NorthAve_near_FairmontTerr", "code": "45of65_NorthAve_near_FairmontTerr" }, { "name": "46of65_NorthAve_near_CayugaCt", "code": "46of65_NorthAve_near_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "47of65_EdgemoreDr_near_NorthAve", "code": "47of65_EdgemoreDr_near_NorthAve" }, { "name": "48of65_CrossPkwy_EdgemoreDr", "code": "48of65_CrossPkwy_EdgemoreDr" }, { "name": "49of65_CayugaCt", "code": "49of65_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve", "code": "4of24_ConventSq_NorthAve" }, { "name": "4of65_BikePath_StarrFarm_BikePath", "code": "4of65_BikePath_StarrFarm_BikePath" }, { "name": "50of65_CayugaCt", "code": "50of65_CayugaCt" }, { "name": "51of65_LoalooDr", "code": "51of65_LoalooDr" }, { "name": "52of65_WestRoad", "code": "52of65_WestRoad" }, { "name": "53of65_Outfall_Tallwood", "code": "53of65_Outfall_Tallwood" }, { "name": "54of65_Tallwood_Lakewood_Pkwy", "code": "54of65_Tallwood_Lakewood_Pkwy" }, { "name": "55of65_LakewoodPkwy_Easement_NorthAve", "code": "55of65_LakewoodPkwy_Easement_NorthAve" }, { "name": "56of65_NorthAve_near_Leonard", "code": "56of65_NorthAve_near_Leonard" }, { "name": "57of65_NorthAve (NOT DONE NOTE)", "code": "57of65_NorthAve (NOT DONE NOTE)" }, { "name": "58of65_LeonardStreet", "code": "58of65_LeonardStreet" }, { "name": "59of65_NorthAve", "code": "59of65_NorthAve" }, { "name": "5of24_NorthAve", "code": "5of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "5of65_BikePath", "code": "5of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "60of65_NorthAve_near_EthanAllenPkwy&VillageGreenDr", "code": "60of65_NorthAve_near_EthanAllenPkwy&VillageGreenDr" }, { "name": "61of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "61of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "62of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "62of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "63of65_EthanAllenPkwy", "code": "63of65_EthanAllenPkwy" }, { "name": "64of65_DetailsI_SpecialMHStructures", "code": "64of65_DetailsI_SpecialMHStructures" }, { "name": "6of24_NorthAve", "code": "6of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "6of65_BkePath", "code": "6of65_BkePath" }, { "name": "7of24_NorthAve", "code": "7of24_NorthAve" }, { "name": "7of65_BikePath", "code": "7of65_BikePath" }, { "name": "8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street", "code": "8of24_NorthAve-Berry Street" }, { "name": "8of65_BikePath_StanifordRd", "code": "8of65_BikePath_StanifordRd" }, { "name": "9of24_Pitkin_Strong", "code": "9of24_Pitkin_Strong" }, { "name": "9of65_StanifordRd_StandburyRd", "code": "9of65_StanifordRd_StandburyRd" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 10of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 10of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 11of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 11of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 12of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 12of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 13of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 13of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 14of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 14of42" }, { "name": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 15of42", "code": "As-Built Utilities Plan - 15of42" }, { "name": "Beltline - 18of216", "code": "Beltline - 18of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 23of216", "code": "Beltline - 23of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 26of216", "code": "Beltline - 26of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 29of216", "code": "Beltline - 29of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 32of216", "code": "Beltline - 32of216" }, { "name": "Beltline - 36of216", "code": "Beltline - 36of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Cover Page - 1of216", "code": "Beltline-Cover Page - 1of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Match Sheet-Right - 20of216", "code": "Beltline-Match Sheet-Right - 20of216" }, { "name": "Beltline-Typicals, Water, Sewer, Hydrant Adjustments and locations - 5of216", "code": "Beltline-Typicals, Water, Sewer, Hydrant Adjustments and locations - 5of216" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Cover Sheet - 1of15", "code": "Bikepath-Cover Sheet - 1of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 10of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 10of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 5of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 5of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 6of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 6of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 7of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 7of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 8of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 8of15" }, { "name": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 9of15", "code": "Bikepath-Plan and Details - 9of15" }, { "name": "Buell and Green St Plan and Profile - 6of16", "code": "Buell and Green St Plan and Profile - 6of16" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Burlington Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "College Street Plan and Profile - 1of16", "code": "College Street Plan and Profile - 1of16" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 0of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 0of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 1of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 1of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 2of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 2of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 3of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 3of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 4of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 4of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 5of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 5of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 6of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 6of7" }, { "name": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 7of7", "code": "College Street Relief Sewer Contract # 7 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Details Manhole, Catch Basin, Water Service - 12of16", "code": "Details Manhole, Catch Basin, Water Service - 12of16" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 1of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 1of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 2of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 2of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 3of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 3of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 4of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 4of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Cover", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Cover" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D1" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D2" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16", "code": "Index of Drawings - 0 of 16" }, { "name": "Index of Sheets - 2of23", "code": "Index of Sheets - 2of23" }, { "name": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16", "code": "Interconnection Structure Manhole No. 1 - 8of16" }, { "name": "MainSt - 1", "code": "MainSt - 1" }, { "name": "MainSt - 10", "code": "MainSt - 10" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11", "code": "MainSt - 11" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11A", "code": "MainSt - 11A" }, { "name": "MainSt - 11B", "code": "MainSt - 11B" }, { "name": "MainSt - 12", "code": "MainSt - 12" }, { "name": "MainSt - 13", "code": "MainSt - 13" }, { "name": "MainSt - 14", "code": "MainSt - 14" }, { "name": "MainSt - 15", "code": "MainSt - 15" }, { "name": "MainSt - 2", "code": "MainSt - 2" }, { "name": "MainSt - 3", "code": "MainSt - 3" }, { "name": "MainSt - 4", "code": "MainSt - 4" }, { "name": "MainSt - 5", "code": "MainSt - 5" }, { "name": "MainSt - 6", "code": "MainSt - 6" }, { "name": "MainSt - 7", "code": "MainSt - 7" }, { "name": "MainSt - 8", "code": "MainSt - 8" }, { "name": "MainSt - 9", "code": "MainSt - 9" }, { "name": "MainSt - Access Road", "code": "MainSt - Access Road" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 2,3,and 4 - 9of16" }, { "name": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16", "code": "Manhole Details No. 5,6,and 7 - 10of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan Pearl and College - 13of16" }, { "name": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16", "code": "Overhead Utility Plan S. Union St - 14of16" }, { "name": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16", "code": "Pearl St Plan and Profile - 5of16" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement - 12of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvement at Lakeview Cemetary - 13of23" }, { "name": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23", "code": "Proposed Drainage Improvements at North Beach and Killarney Dr - 14of23" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16", "code": "Ravine Sewer Abandonment Details - 7of16" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6", "code": "Richardson & Pine Street Storm Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 1of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 2of3" }, { "name": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3", "code": "Riverside Proposed Interceptor Sewers January - 3of3" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16", "code": "Road and Curb Plan S. Union St - 16of16" }, { "name": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16", "code": "Road and Curb Profile Pearl and College St - 15of16" }, { "name": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42", "code": "Roadway and Storm Drainage Details - 4of42" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 2of16" }, { "name": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16", "code": "S. Union St Plan and Profile - 3of16" }, { "name": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16", "code": "S.Union St Plan and Profile - 4of16" }, { "name": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42", "code": "Sanitary and Storm Sewer Manhole Detail - 6of42" }, { "name": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16", "code": "Service Connections, Trench and Road Typicals - 11of16" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 0of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 1of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 2of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 3of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 4of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 5of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6", "code": "Sewer Separation Contract 1B - 6of6" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 10of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 11of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 12of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 1of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 2of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 3of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 4of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 5of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 6of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 7of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 8of12" }, { "name": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12", "code": "Sewer Separation Storm Extension Contract 1A - 9of12" }, { "name": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23", "code": "Site Plan (culverts northbeach) - 17of23" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 1of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 2of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 3of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 4of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 5of6" }, { "name": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6", "code": "St. Paul Street Plan and Profile of Sewer - 6of6" }, { "name": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42", "code": "Storm Drainage Details - 5of42" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Cover" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 1 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 10 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 11 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 12 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 13 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 14 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 16 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 17 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 18 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 19 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 2 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 20 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 21 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 22 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 23 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 24 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 3 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 4 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 5 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 6 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 7 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 8 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht 9 of 24" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D1" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D2" }, { "name": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3", "code": "CDM Sewer & Drain Maps 1984 - Sht D3" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 5of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 6of7" }, { "name": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7", "code": "Engelsby Ravine Sewer Improvements Contract # 6 - 7of7" }, { "name": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24", "code": "Existing Sewer & Drainage System - Sht 15 of 24" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 1of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 2of3" }, { "name": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3", "code": "King Street Relief Sewer Contract # 5 - 3of3" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 1of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 2of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 3of8" }, { "name": "Ravine Sewer Relocation Contract # 3 - 4of8", "code": "Ravine Sewer 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