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250 feet - Lake Champlain shoreline and Winooski River shorelines. Lake Champlain shoreline was hand-digitized from 1:1250 2004 orthophotos. The Lake elevation in Burlington was 97.65 feet when the orthophotography was flown on May 8, 2004. But the Zoning Ordinance defines the Lake elevation at 95.5 feet which is 2 ft 2 inches lower. Use the data accordingly. The Winooski River shoreline was digitized from 2004 1:1250 orthophotography, which was flown on May 8, 2004; the river flow measured at the Essex Junction dam was 1630 cfs. <\/SPAN><\/P>

100 feet - Engelsby, Potash, and Centennial Brooks - Digitized from 2004 1:1250 orthophotography, which was flown on May 8, 2004. <\/SPAN><\/P>

50 feet - All other minor streams and ponds - Digitized from 2004 1:1250 orthophotography, which was flown on May 8, 2004. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Attributes: <\/SPAN><\/P>

RIFETAURE - Values: Buffer, Not Applicable <\/SPAN><\/P>

RISUBDISTRICT - Values: Not Applicable, Riparian and Littoral Conservation <\/SPAN><\/P>

RINAME - Values: Barge Canal, Centennial Brook, Englesby Brook, Intervale Hydrology, Lake Champlain, Lake Forest Ponds, Not Applicable, Potash Brook, Stream, Streams, Winooski River <\/SPAN><\/P>

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