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Attributes: <\/SPAN><\/P>

FHFEATURE - Values: Not Applicable, Zone A Floodplain, Zone AE Floodplain, Zone AE Floodway <\/SPAN><\/P>

FHSUBDISTRICT - Values: Not Applicable, Special Flood Hazard Area <\/SPAN><\/P>

FHNAME - Values: Lake Champlain, Not Applicable, Pine Street Barge Canal, Potash Brook, Winooski River <\/SPAN><\/P>

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Polygon Attributes: <\/SPAN><\/P>

REFERENCE: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, na = Polygon not part of Height overlay<\/SPAN><\/P>

Defined as setbacks from City street right-of-way edge (see attribute Depth), or as a polygon. Reference is a map reference letter in code text.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "copyrightText": "Source: u:\\bgis\\zoning\\districts\\drpheight \n\nVersion 7 (current) automated 23-Jun-2017 <- Version 6 automated 23-May-2017 <- Version 5 automated 01 April 2016 JA <- Version 4 automated 25 September 2015 JA <- Version 3 automated 6 August 2015 JA <- Version 2 automated 7 October 2014 JA", "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": false, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": false, "isDataArchived": false, "infoInEstimates": [ "extent", "count" ], "isDataBranchVersioned": false, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "isCoGoEnabled": false, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": true, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportsValidateSQL": true, 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Arcs coincident with street right-of-ways indicate where Shopfront facade Types are required. Arcs from parcel data street right-of-way arcs. <\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "copyrightText": "Source: u:\\bgis\\zoning\\proposals\\downtown_form_based_code\\shopfront\n\nVersion 2 (current) automated 23-Jun-2017 <- Version 1 automated 30 September 2014 JA", "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": false, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": false, "isDataArchived": false, "infoInEstimates": [ "extent", "count" ], "isDataBranchVersioned": false, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "isCoGoEnabled": false, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": true, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsExceedsLimitStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportsValidateSQL": true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsQuantizationEditMode": true, "supportsCalculate": true, "supportsASyncCalculate": true, 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Attributes for use in selecting and shading the ICC and its components: <\/SPAN><\/P>

DISTRICT - Overall overlay district. Values: Institutional Core Campus, Not In ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

INSTITUTION - Institutions within the ICC district. Values: <\/SPAN><\/P>

CC = Part of Champlain College which is not in the ICC. Shown on map in Sec 4-5-2-g-2-C. <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC = Champlain College ICC<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVM = University of Vermont Central Campus ICC<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMMC = University of Vermont Medical Center (hospital) ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMS = University of Vermont South Campus ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMT = University of Vermont Trinity Campus ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

SUBDISTRICT - Subdistricts for the Champlain College ICC. Values: Academic Core Campus, Residenital Core Campus <\/SPAN><\/P>

HEIGHT OVERLAY - Height Overlay areas. Values: ICC-UVMS, UVM Central Campus, UVMMC <\/SPAN><\/P>

TRANSITIONALBUF - Transitional Buffer for UVM Central Campus and the Medical Center. Values: ICC-UVM/UVMMC <\/SPAN><\/P>

DEVELOPMENTBUF - Development Buffers for the UVM South Campus. Values: ICC-UVMS <\/SPAN><\/P>

SETBACK - Setbacks for CC and UVMT. Values: <\/SPAN><\/P>

CC Tower Terrace = Setback along Tower Terrace for Champlain College not in the ICC<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC 20 ft = 20 ft Perimeter Setback <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC 30 ft = 30 ft Perimeter Setback<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC Building Line = Setback defined by the existing building front line<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMT = Colchester Avenue Setback for ICC-UVMT <\/SPAN><\/P>

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Poly Attribute: DISTRICT - Downtown, Shared Use, Neighborhood Parking District polygons are combinations of Zoning Districts, with one exception in the Old North End (see metadata for zoning_overlay_parking_arc). <\/SPAN><\/P>

Mapping of Zoning District Abbreviations to Parking Districts: <\/SPAN><\/P>

Zoning District Abbreviation -> Parking District <\/SPAN><\/P>





















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250 feet - Lake Champlain shoreline and Winooski River shorelines. Lake Champlain shoreline was hand-digitized from 1:1250 2004 orthophotos. The Lake elevation in Burlington was 97.65 feet when the orthophotography was flown on May 8, 2004. But the Zoning Ordinance defines the Lake elevation at 95.5 feet which is 2 ft 2 inches lower. Use the data accordingly. The Winooski River shoreline was digitized from 2004 1:1250 orthophotography, which was flown on May 8, 2004; the river flow measured at the Essex Junction dam was 1630 cfs. <\/SPAN><\/P>

100 feet - Engelsby, Potash, and Centennial Brooks - Digitized from 2004 1:1250 orthophotography, which was flown on May 8, 2004. <\/SPAN><\/P>

50 feet - All other minor streams and ponds - Digitized from 2004 1:1250 orthophotography, which was flown on May 8, 2004. <\/SPAN><\/P>

Attributes: <\/SPAN><\/P>

RIFETAURE - Values: Buffer, Not Applicable <\/SPAN><\/P>

RISUBDISTRICT - Values: Not Applicable, Riparian and Littoral Conservation <\/SPAN><\/P>

RINAME - Values: Barge Canal, Centennial Brook, Englesby Brook, Intervale Hydrology, Lake Champlain, Lake Forest Ponds, Not Applicable, Potash Brook, Stream, Streams, Winooski River <\/SPAN><\/P>

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