{ "currentVersion": 11.1, "cimVersion": "3.1.0", "id": 9, "name": "Institutional Core Campus Overlay", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "

Attributes for use in selecting and shading the ICC and its components: <\/SPAN><\/P>

DISTRICT - Overall overlay district. Values: Institutional Core Campus, Not In ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

INSTITUTION - Institutions within the ICC district. Values: <\/SPAN><\/P>

CC = Part of Champlain College which is not in the ICC. Shown on map in Sec 4-5-2-g-2-C. <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC = Champlain College ICC<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVM = University of Vermont Central Campus ICC<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMMC = University of Vermont Medical Center (hospital) ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMS = University of Vermont South Campus ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMT = University of Vermont Trinity Campus ICC <\/SPAN><\/P>

SUBDISTRICT - Subdistricts for the Champlain College ICC. Values: Academic Core Campus, Residenital Core Campus <\/SPAN><\/P>

HEIGHT OVERLAY - Height Overlay areas. Values: ICC-UVMS, UVM Central Campus, UVMMC <\/SPAN><\/P>

TRANSITIONALBUF - Transitional Buffer for UVM Central Campus and the Medical Center. Values: ICC-UVM/UVMMC <\/SPAN><\/P>

DEVELOPMENTBUF - Development Buffers for the UVM South Campus. Values: ICC-UVMS <\/SPAN><\/P>

SETBACK - Setbacks for CC and UVMT. Values: <\/SPAN><\/P>

CC Tower Terrace = Setback along Tower Terrace for Champlain College not in the ICC<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC 20 ft = 20 ft Perimeter Setback <\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC 30 ft = 30 ft Perimeter Setback<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-CC Building Line = Setback defined by the existing building front line<\/SPAN><\/P>

ICC-UVMT = Colchester Avenue Setback for ICC-UVMT <\/SPAN><\/P>

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